Working Luncheon at the French Palace in İstanbul

As CCI France-Turquie, we present our special thanks to the French Ambassador to Türkiye H.E. Hervé Magro and to the French Consul General in İstanbul Mr. olivier gauvin for honoring and hosting the working luncheon at the French Palace in İstanbul, with the participation of the European bileteral Chambers in Türkiye.

#Europe #Türkiye #France

İtalyan Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası DerneğiSwiss Chamber of Commerce in TürkiyeBelgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in TürkiyeAlman-Türk Ticaret ve Sanayi OdasıDutch Business Association TurkeySwedish Chamber of Commerce in TürkiyeThe British Chamber of Commerce in TurkeyADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Türkiye


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